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Sunday, December 25, 2011

So...Why NOT...

Well at church on Christmas Sunday my girls were asked "Did u get everything you wanted today!" and my response was "We don't celebrate the Tradition of Christmas!" and I tell you...I Loved
my sister's response and facial expression..."Do You Mind Sharing?" she asked, with this CLASSIC look on her face...LOL...

My husband and I had decided not to celebrate this tradition last year, although this position had been brought to me a couple years before and I REJECTED it! Well...So although I am clear as to our decision not to celebrate it, the thought of how to explain it to others filled my mind! So this was my first real opportunity to share my reason!

When I got home that night and played the conversation back in my mind I thought to myself, why and the world is it so important to me to have an "explanation" in the first place? There is no explanation Really...Question: "So...Why Not? Why don't you celebrate Christmas?"...Answer: "Because it has nothing to do with Christ!"...End of Answer!

Now here is where the "Possibility" of an "Explanation" can occur...because people desire "Answers & Explanations" to what they don't understand or what they disagree with...but what I learned this same day at church, in over hearing another conversation going on, is that if a person doesn't Recognize, Acknowledge, Believe and Respect the God in a person and in their ability to receive Revelation from God, it doesn't matter what the "explanation is", they WILL NOT Receive from that person!

I'm not sure at what point Jesus was incorporated into the Christmas tradition, nor do I really Care...what I do care about though is the Story in the Bible that says that Gifts were brought to "JESUS" a "KING" whose birth was Prophesied and Fulfilled...So how is it that we believe we are to Exchange gifts with one another? None of us hold the Deity of a King and none of our births were Prophesied as to be the Savior of the World! Note that there were MANY Kings back then but Jesus is a HOLY KING...and the ONLY one worthy of such Gifts! We have it all backwards and then have the nerve to say "We are Honoring/Celebrating the birth of Christ"...HOW...What do we ACTUALLY do for Christ on the day of Christmas...December 25th? Really...Think about it...

The Spirit of "Love", "Peace", "Unity", "Family", "Togetherness" and being kind and helpful to the "Poor & Needy" should be done all year around! We need to STOP taking what is TOLD to us (whether it makes sense or not) and run with it and hold onto it like the law of the Kingdom...we should be honoring Jesus Christ with our lives...Everyday!

Listen and know, I am NOT here to provide THE biblical response...Trust and Believe there are MANY people God gave Revelation with Scripture, declaring why it is not pleasing to God to practice such traditions...GOOGLE it...LOL...What I am saying is as for me and my house Revelation was given and we took heed and made a "CHOICE" not to do it! It's up to you to make a decision to "Want" to know the truth about Christmas and then seek Revelation from God for yourself!

Jesus is Preparing His Remnant...He is tearing down traditions and Fulfilling His Word and He is looking for those who will lay down EVERYTHING and FOLLOW Him! The question then becomes: "What Do You LOVE more...?". Be careful though...Don't hold onto anything too tight because the Word says you will loose it..

(KJV) Matthew 16:25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

Be reminded that our thoughts are not the Lords and our ways not His either...So be careful what your reject or think of it as "can't be"...This is why Peter got rebuked:

(KJV) Matthew 16:23 But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.

The Mind of Mie~
Enter at your own risk! Lol!


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