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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What does death make you think about...

It is amazing how death makes you reflect...The more I live, the more I understand a little of why God desires you to save yourself for marriage....(I didn't...but I now understand a little of what He wanted to save us from...a lot of rejection, hurt, bitterness and shame)!  With each relationship we accumulate baggage, you know that right?  Whenever you buy a set of luggage, each bag differs in weight and size.  So, just as in our relationships, every time we were lied to, cheated on, under appreciated etc...those were weights added to our bags; making each one a different size.  Some situations were easy to get over and didn't really affect us too bad, then there were other situations that hurt us to the core, causing our luggage to be unbearable.  Now tell me, who wants to go through life with these HEAVY bags?  Definitely NOT ME! 

These bags affect our happiness! They affect our friendships and they definitely affect our intimate relationships!  If we want to have happier, healthier marriages and relationships, we must do whatever it takes to get rid of them! For me, I do this through my Faith in God and my prayer life with Him...Now don't get me wrong, I have not completely gotten rid of ALL my luggage but the Lord Jesus Christ has helped me to get rid of a whole heap of them already! PRAISE THE LORD...

So I'm writing this to Declare that I have released so much more baggage on the other day! To God be the Glory, I am a lot lighter today, because I had to examine myself AGAIN  "Real Talk"!!!!! and let go of any resentment, un-forgiveness or hurt experienced from an ex boyfriend of mine that passed away recently and was buried yesterday!  God is so good to me though because in the past,  before my ex boyfriend died, when I would think of him (as some people do when they think of an ex) all I would think about was the negatives of the relationship...but since he died, God allowed me to remember the positives!  Now, Although God designed for us to wait until marriage for such serious relationships, I thank God for what He saved me from, by allowing me to be with him. I could have been one of those fast little girls, running with every boy around and I could have gotten into way more trouble than I did growing up. 

So I shared all of this with you, in the hopes that it will hit a spot in your heart! The part that needs this, the part that can't rest and wants to be free from hurt!  I admonish you to reflect...Although reflection can be is NECESSARY...Think of every person (not just Ex's) who hurt you in one way shape or form...if you can't think of anyone, ask the Lord to bring it all back to your memory!  Some of you, for complete closure could go back to the individual(s) and confront t hem, hear their side...and then either way...FORGIVE THEM!  Then ask God, through Jesus and in Jesus' name; to teach you how to release every hurt and pain you experienced to you can be free!  Free to love and receive love, from the one true love that God has designed for you!  Although I did things that were not pleasing to God before I got saved, I do thank God for every experience because they have made me into the woman I am today...and with some tweaking and complete luggage discarding, I will become the woman God designed me to be!!! 

I pray The Lord releases you from every hurt and pain that you have ever experienced and that you learn from them and allow them to make you into the person God desires you to be in Jesus Name Amen!

(updated 1.8.14)

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