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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Your Company...Do You Have One?

Originally Written 5/22/11:

By the Grace & Mercy of God, speak through me Holy Spirit...I heard something today via a YouTube Video (Video Below) that I didn't think twice of.  Then I read a post on Facebook containing a verse in Luke 2 and I decided to read the whole chapter! Well, still not putting 2 & 2 my prayer time, moments ago I was asking the Lord to Endow His Remnant with the attributes that Hezekiah and Moses had that moved God to change His position on His Wrath & Judgement! This then lead me to thoughts of God's Wrath & Judgement.  This then started to stir up a little fear in me, then I began praying for God to give His Remnant the POWER to endure what's coming! Then is when I started putting pieces together (YouTube Video & Luke Chp 2-Look at both)!

Please, I Admonish US to NOT take our Facebook & Twitter time for Granted! Let us begin to make Kingdom Connections NOW (gathering people's info OFF of these Social Sites) as there WILL be a time when we WON'T have ACCESS to them! Let us begin to BUILD (If not already) our "COMPANY"!
Luke 2:44 But they, supposing him to have been in the "COMPANY", went a day's journey; and they sought him among [their] KINSFOLK and ACQUAINTANCE (their COMPANY)!
Why did they travel in a Company? Then I was reminded of a dream I had last night:

In the crowded streets, people shopping and hanging out...Two men ran out passed me, from out of their booths (shops) holding wooden axes...They ran down these two young girls and began to chop them up with their axes (I believe in their neck area) and begin to eat their flesh in broad day light, in the street in front of all those that were shopping... 

I believe we will need our COMPANY for POWER, ANOINTING, PROTECTION & RESOURCES for and in the WORSE case scenarios like in my dream above!

Again...Let us NOT take our INTERNET time for Granted! Let us begin to make KINGDOM CONNECTIONS...NOW because we never know when we will need THEM!

Stay Blessed & Stay Encouraged!


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