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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

If I hear one more person say...

If I hear one more person say..."Jesus is the reason for the season", I am going to scream! Urggggg! 

So...I was thinking...As we get older things change! Right?!  Or at least they should! Our ways change, our thoughts change, our perspectives change and our mindsets change!  So to that end, so should this be with our spiritual selves! 

As Christians we should be getting closer to God, deeper in His word and our relationship with Him! As I reflect on this day, this season, I had to really ask myself "What does this all mean?" and this is the conclusion I came to...

Christ is NOT the reason for THIS SEASON!


WOW!!! Maybe I'll finish this thought one day! It's years later and I'm finally reviewing my blogs again! This is not complete but I will publish it anyway! If you want to hear more, comment below!!!! 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Word in Season

Originally posted September 14, 2013, by

"Young Eagles Arising"
"Two years ago I had an incredible encounter in two separate dreams which I had two hours apart. In recent days the Holy Spirit has brought this word back once again as several other prophetic ministers have been seeing and sharing the same revelation. These prophetic dreams are more relevant for today than they were when I received them. These were the dreams.

In the first dream I was in a huge ancient place. There were surrounding mountains that appeared to be made of ivory. A very gracious lady was giving me a tour of this magnificent place but I don't recall what her face looked like. All I could remember was that her countenance was pleasant and loving as an angel.
As I walked with her we saw numerous eagles in cages made of wood and metal. Each eagle was in its own cage. Many of them were not full-grown eagles but they were various ages and sizes. As this lady was showing me around, we noticed one young eaglet that broke out of its cage as it broke the wood by pushing it up with its beak and simply walking out. Although it was an eagle, its appearance was different from a full-grown eagle because it was a very young eaglet. When the lady saw this she laughed in amusement and gently placed the eaglet back into the cage because it wasn't time for it to be released.
There were also some young lions. There was one young lion which I knew was a female because it didn't have a mane. This young lion was on a long leash but I couldn't understand why it was so gentle rather than vicious. As I continued to walk with her I was looking up in amazement at the huge arched cathedral ceilings which were approximately fifty feet high and made of a beautiful engraved stone. I asked her who owned this place and she responded, two Jewish men. I then looked up and saw two gigantic ancient doors made of dark brown brass. Engraved in gold leaf in these doors were the words: "Tallit and Tekiah".
When I woke up I recorded this dream and went back to sleep. Two hours later I had another dream where I went back to that place and this time I heard anointed music playing in the atmosphere. I was talking to a Jewish man with a long robe. I saw the two ancient doors again and in front of the man was a podium with the inscription: Isaiah 45
Isaiah 45:1-3
Thus says the Lord to His anointed, To Cyrus, whose right hand I have held - To subdue nations before him and loose the armor of kings, to open before him the Double Doors, so that the gates will not be shut: I will go before you and make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, That you may know that I, the Lord, who call you by your name am the God of Israel.
When I woke up the next morning I looked up the two words "Tallit and Tekiah" and found that the tallit is a Jewish prayer shawl and the tekiah is the sound that a shofar makes. This represents prayer and worship. This was the word that I received:
The Lord says I am raising up many prophetic voices from among you. There are many young eagles in training. As many of them are hidden away, some are in the fields, some are in the market place but each one is spending time in the secret place. They are in intercession and worshiping Me as they are preparing their hearts for what I have for them. These young eagles are being raised up to proclaim My prophetic voice and My Word to the nations. When they come before you, embrace them and do not refuse them because they are being sent forth as My representatives. Do not judge them by their outward appearance, education, inadequacies or lack of stamina. They are My chosen generation who will go forth with great power and anointing. They are warriors and have no fear of the enemies revenge. I will release to them the treasures of darkness and the hidden riches of secret places and you will be amazed what I am about to do with their lives says the Lord."
~A Word in Season~

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Are you TELLING God what YOU want?

So this morning, while getting my youngest daughter (4 years old by the way) ready for school; says to me "Mommy I don't want you to do my hair!" I did not respond! A few moments later she begins to go on about how she doesn't like getting her hair done and she wants to leave it the way it is...So I say to her "So you want to go to school with your hair a mess?" Her reply was "Just put it in one ponytail!" Now I could have done the one ponytail but i know that one ponytail does not last very long! So frustrated by this point, my response was "Stop telling me what you want! I am going to do it the way I want to!"

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord . For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8, 9 KJV)

Children of God, please...Let us stop telling God what "WE" want and just ask for HIS will to be done in every aspect of our lives! He knows what He is doing and what is best for us! Let us not run from His will! Let us not try and hide from His plans for our lives! Although we may not like sitting through all the pain! Although we may be getting antsy, let us rest in The Lord and ask Him for His peace that surpasses all of our understanding, so that we may get through our process, for His Glory and in due time! Lord help us get through our process! SELAH (pause and think about that)!